At SKM Forensics we provide expert forensic accounting services, having spent over 30 years in this area. Our associate professionals will look after your needs in a thorough, sensitive and efficient manner.
We can help with your Workplace Harassment investigation
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act an employer must ensure that incidents ofalleged workplace harassment are investigated in an objective and thorough manner. The guidelinesstipulate that these investigations should be undertaken promptly using methods and strategies thatmaintain confidentiality. Where considered necessary, these investigations can be conducted by anexternal third-party familiar with the company’s workplace harassment policy and program.
Law Firms
The licensed private investigators at SKM Forensics are well equipped to conduct workplace harassmentinvestigations. They have years of experience to draw upon that will enable them to effectively identifythe salient issues surrounding an alleged incident of workplace harassment, devise an effective andsensitive investigative strategy that will reveal the facts. This approach will provide the necessaryinformation to the employer to assist with a timely and effective resolution to the incident.
All employers must have a workplace harassment policy and review it as often as necessary to ensure itis meeting the needs of the organization and its employees. Included in this policy should be informationabout how to report an incident of workplace harassment and how that report will be investigated.Effective September 8, 2016 the employer has the additional duty of notifying the worker whoexperienced workplace harassment and the alleged harasser in writing, the results of the investigationand any corrective action that has been or will be taken.
Incidents of harassment in the workplace can create a toxic environment that will impact upon productivityand even the health and well being of its employees. While reports of sexual harassment are the mostcommonly reported, harassment can also consist of other unwanted actions based upon religion, race,age, gender, skin color as well as physical or mental disabilities. All workers are entitled to a safe andhealthy workplace.
To get started, tell us about your problem
To find out how SKM Forensics can help you with a Workplace Harassment Investigation, please contact us directly, or submit a form with a few details your problem. We know your privacy is important, so all we ask for is an email address where we can contact you.
Once your form is submitted, please expect a response from one of our investigators within 1 business day.
If you would rather contact us directly, you can reach our office through the following contact information.